Druskininkai municipality news are available on druskininkusavivaldybe.lt
In order to make your time at the resort an easy and enjoyable stay, we invite you to use the services that are offered by Druskininkai’s Tourism and Business Information Centre.
On our Facebook page (@ Druskininkai.Kurortas) and our Instagram account (We Love Druskininkai), as well as when using the hashtags #Druskininkai, #WeLoveDruskininkai, and #KochamyDruskienniki, you will be able to find lots of photos, videos, and relevant resort information.
Both in the administration premises at Gardino st. 3 and in the subdivision at Čiurlionio st. 65 you will be able to pick up a free city map, routes for cycle paths, and all the required information that may not have been able to find online or in publications.
Our phone numbers are +370 313 60800 and +370 313 51777. You can also contact us via email at: information@druskininkai.lt