
Per Šilų Kopas (Through The Forest Dunes)

These are tours through the Dzūkija ethnographic region, which is known for its forests, in a classic Land Rover jeep. Along the way, we will search for answers as to why the inhabitants of Dzūkija pick mushrooms with their hands and feet, why the forests lovers from Dzūkija climb trees with ropes and plough rivers, where the swamps grow, why bees used to even live in cemeteries in some villages, and what the taste of the oldest dessert in Lithuania is like. We will wade through the swamp, walk through real dunes and lichen-covered heath, look for insect-eating flowers, and pick berries and mushrooms. We will also have a picnic with dishes from the family restaurant and summer desserts from local farms.

+370 686 82710

  • Outdoor activities
  • Educational activities
  • Guided tours
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