A field of daffodils is starting to bloom in Druskininkai and the Easter tree is in bloom as well. In April, sakura, magnolias and hundreds of thousands of daffodils turn the resort into a huge photo zone. This year, the pastel colors of spring awakening are complemented by the bright color of the revival of life. For almost two weeks, from April 15 to April 24, the city will live in the rhythm of Blooming Easter. We present to you the program of the first spring holidays in Druskininkai and useful tips for Easter.

The Easter Gallery opens from 15 to 18 April

In the health park near the Musical Fountain, a traditional form of entertainment will be held: rolling Easter eggs.

Among Christians, this custom is symbolized by a stone that rolled down from the tomb of the Lord before the resurrection of Christ. Today, the correct way to “roll eggs” is as follows: the participants let the Easter eggs go down the chute from the hill and whoever rolls the egg the farthers is declared the winner.

Seven giant eggs painted with magical symbols have been installed in the health park.

Artists combined tradition and special art. During the day, the gallery becomes a bright photo zone, and at night the time of magic begins, when the eggs begin to glow. Hares and rabbits are considered symbols of the Resurrection. During your stay here, you can arrange easter entertainment for you whole family!

Shells and nettles, ancient secrets of how to dye eggs without chemicals

“The process itself, first of all, is communication with relatives. No haste, absolute peace, all thoughts, plans, deeds seem far away, you are here and now” says the artist, folk master of egg painting Odeta Tumėnaitė-Bražėnienė. She has revealed the secrets of decorating Easter eggs in Druskininkai, – all you have to do is get in touch with your roots and traditions that have been passed down from generation to generation.

Traditionally in Lithuania, eggs were “sealed” with herbs (the raw egg was wrapped in nettles, onion husks were added to the water and boiled. As a result, a floral ornament appeared on the shell, and nettles and onions became natural dyes). A later tradition is wax painting (hot beeswax without impurities is applied with a thin stick on a boiled egg and dipped in paint).

By the way, some of the natural dyes include: alder and black alder, oak bark, beetroot, onion peel, cranberry and bearberry leaves, chamomile, sea buckthorn berries.

Tradions of spring festivities in Druskininkai

During Blooming Easter, we will hear the sounds of music in the most unexpected places; from April 15, SOUND RESORT AREAS opens at the resort.

On April 17-18th, mimes will appear near the musical fountain. Mime theater artists will perform for two days. The Easter movement will continue on April 17 with a family orienteering tournament. For the whole day, from 10.00 to 17.00, you can arrange an active search on the map of the resort, in forests and parks, among flowering fields and flower beds.

Daffodil Festival, sea of flowers on April 22-24

Сначала фестиваль Море цветов уведёт в Вильнюсский переулок, где 22 апреля в 12.00 откроется ярмарка мастеров MARGASPALVĖ.

Парк возле озера Виюнеле уже превратился в самую большую живую картину в Литве. Двести тысяч нарциссов в апреле уже много лет наполняют город нежным ароматом, энергией жизни.

И это не параллельная реальность, можно свободно гулять среди нарциссов, фотографироваться, медитировать, дышать. Просто нужно быть внимательным и осторожным. Ночью в поле начинается шоу, художественные световые инсталляции создадут образ, будто звёздное небо опустилось на поле с цветами.

На площади развлечений (Вильнюсский переулок, 24) 22 апреля в 18.00 начнётся концерт поп-группы el Fuego.

Карусель развлечений на фестивале цветов запускают 23 апреля

Live sculptures, a fiesta of soap bubbles, a gentlemen’s spring promenade, people on stilts, fire jugglers from “LT kojūkininkai” are waiting in Vijunele Park. A picnic near Lake Vijūnėlė will be held at 18.00 (the cost is 15 euros, you need to book a place before April 22, +370 686 36 639).

At 14:00 from the Druskininkai municipality, a free theatrical tour “Mineral City” will begin. A lady in crinolines will tell you about the healing properties of the resort’s mineral waters, you will see the spring of Beauty and … more secrets will be revealed.

On April 24, at 11:00, the Excursion “M.K Čiurlionis in Druskininkai – a new look” will begin with a guide Lilijana Stepanovienė. The meeting point is at the monument to M.K. Čiurlionis (Kudirkos g. 45). Duration: 1.5 hours. (This tour is paid, 5 euros, registration by phone: +370 686 36639).

Апрель превращает Друскининкай в город сад. Не только природа, но и люди украшают город. Нарядили пасхальное дерево расписными яйцами, в каждом кафе, ресторанчике, на террасах, в окнах, в гипермаркетах и на заборах. Зелёная фаза жизни началась.

Easter program and daffodil blossom: https://druskininkai.lt/ru/cvetuscaja-pasxa/